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Your soulful

Lisa Conroy - Director of Happiness - Box of Chocolates




Hi there gorgeous, 

I’m Lisa Conroy and believe life is an exciting journey full of experiences and challenges that help us to grow and evolve.


I’m thrilled to have this opportunity to introduce myself and my beautiful company, Box of Chocolates and to be taking you on my second Bali Retreat!


I am passionate about living with joy, following my passions and keeping life interesting, such as hosting heart centered inspiring Wellness, Creative and Silent Retreats and offering events that help align and empower women to live freely and authentically.


I am a certified Holistic Lifestyle, Career & Empowerment Coach, Usui Reiki Master Healer, Level 3 Akashic Soul Reader and offer Indian Head Massage and run regular Happiness Project Days.


Health and Well-being are important to me, I love creating, meditation, enjoy yoga, saunas, plunge pools and breathwork.  I'm always looking for new adventures and filling my cup connecting with family/friends or in my happy places, walking in the bush or near the sea while taking time out to “just BE!”


It’s not an easy task juggling lots of hats, striving for success, staying positive and taking time out just for YOU, but you owe it to yourself to lead a happy, purposeful and meaningful life that you love!


To find out more about my services and what Box of Chocolates offers check out my website to enquire about your own unique experience with Box of Chocolates on 

Tracey Crandell - CharlieRae Well-being

Tracey 20220701_183713.jpg


Hi I'm Tracey 


I live amongst olive trees, romany style wagons and beautiful bird song!


I love to share my knowledge and have a holistic approach in supporting those who are working towards where they want to be.


Creating memories with my family and friends, being a natural therapist, Artist, Celebrant and traveller are some of my most favourite things to do.


  • Dip. in Health Science  Naturopath College of NZ 

  • Natural Medicine (Dip. Level) – 4 years study Cert. Relaxation Massage

  • Hot Stone Massage – NZ College of Massage Cert. in Homebotanicals Therapy

  • NZNFE101 – Study with NZ First Light Flower Essences

  • Reiki Master/Teacher Dr Mikao Usui System 


To find out more about my services and what CharlieRae Well-being offers check out my website to enquire about your own unique experience on


Box of Chocolates is the whole package - a box of delights that will entice you to reach your highest potential.  A delectable array of delicious treats that includes Holistic Life, Career & Empowerment Coaching, Reiki healing, Akashic Soul Readings, Indian Head Massage, Wellness, Creative & Silent Retreats, Happiness Project Days,  Aromatherapy pamper parties and much assist you in living the sweet life you desire and deserve! 

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Lisa Conroy

T: 64 4 27 5269224



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